How to Get Mold Out of Fabric Shower Curtains?

By The Shower Drapes | Shower Curtain Tips & Tricks

Apr 05
How to Get Mold Out of Fabric Shower Curtains

Will Vinegar Remove Mold From Shower Curtain? Guide To Clean A Shower Curtain To Extend The Life Of Your Shower Curtain And Liner

A shower curtain can be the centerpiece to your bathroom. However, no matter how beautiful it looks, the minute mold starts to grow, it’s essentially ruined.

If you believe that your shower curtain is one of a kind and you absolutely love its design, then what’s left to do is to learn how to wash it.

In this article, we will explain to you how to get mold out of fabric shower curtains. Along with these homemade methods, you can also use specific mold-removing products.

How to Get Mold Out of Fabric Shower Curtains

There are a variety of techniques that you can do to get rid of mold build-up on your fabric shower curtains. Here are some of the most common methods that are proven safe and effective:

Machine-Washing with Baking Soda and Vinegar

Machine-Washing with Baking Soda and Vinegar

One of the easiest ways to prevent mold and mildew from growing is to use a mixture of baking soda and vinegar. Each of these ingredients has properties that destroy current bacteria as well as sanitizing the curtain for future use.

All kinds of bacteria have to start small. Hence, by removing any chance of it from developing in its breeding ground, you, therefore, prevent it from spreading even more.

Here are the materials you’ll need:

  • Vinegar
  • Baking soda
  • Washing machine
  • Towel

Here are the steps to take:

Wash the curtains in the washing machine but add a few towels to help increase the cleansing process. Always set the settings to a gentle cycle, or else you risk the chances of permanently damaging the curtains.

The water temperature should only be set to warm, not hot or cold. Pour the detergent into the tub as you would normally do.

Take ½ cup of baking soda and add it to the washer just before you start it. However, once your washer hits the rinse cycle, you should then switch and place up to ½ cup of white vinegar into the machine.

When the cycle finally ends, you should check the curtains for any mold or mildew. If there are still a few spots that aren’t clean enough, take some baking soda and water and create a toothpaste consistency. Place this paste onto the spots of mold and wait a bit.

Rinse again with warm water and repeat the process until all the mold is out of the curtain.

Finally, let it air dry. Make sure that the curtain is hanging up in an open space, as this will allow it to dry quicker.

Washing With Oxygen Bleach

Another method for getting mold out of curtains is to use some bleach. The issue with using bleach on most curtains is that it could end up damaging the design, especially if it’s not made with high-quality materials.

However, if your curtain is made from fabric or polyester, then you should have no problem using bleach to treat the shower curtain.

Here are the materials you will need:

  • Bleach
  • Hot water
  • Tub

Here are the steps:

Take the curtain off the rod. Lay it down flat on a surface and try and remove as much bacteria, mildew, or mold as you can, prepping it for washing.

Fill your bathtub with at least two quarts of warm to hot water and then add four tablespoons of bleach, stirring to incorporate it. Put the curtain rings and shower curtain into the tub and allow them to sit there for up to one hour, making sure that they are fully submerged.

Remove the curtains from the water and wring out the bleach mixture from the curtains. You may need to switch the water in the tub to plain warm water and rinse it a few times to remove all bleach from the curtains.

Don’t try and twist the curtains, as this may cause it to have wrinkles. Instead, gently squeeze the liquid to release it.

Washing with Hydrogen Peroxide and Borax

The last method is one of the most effective methods for removing mold and preventing it from growing on your curtain again. However, this method is also quite labor-intensive, which can be a drawback for some people.

As always, we only recommend doing this if you have a plastic or fabric shower curtain, as anything else won’t be able to last through the harsh chemicals.

Here are the materials:

  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Borax
  • Water
  • Spray bottle
  • Scrubbing brush

Here are the steps to follow:

Remove the curtain from the rod and fold it inward towards itself. Lay it on a flat surface, such as the kitchen table, or bring it outside and lay it down on the ground.

Use a spray bottle and put two cups of hydrogen peroxide mixed with at least one cup of water. Spray the entire curtain and let the mixture sink in for 30 minutes.

After it’s had time to loosen up the mold, take a brush and scrub at any moldy parts. Don’t press too hard, as you don’t want to damage the curtain.

Rinse the curtain either inside or use some warm water and a bowl and pour it on top of the curtain.

Lastly, make a paste of borax and water and place it onto any stains. Let it sit on the curtain until it thoroughly dries. After that, wash it off with hot water.

As you can see, removing mold from a shower curtain does take a significant amount of work. This is the reason why it’s always best to just prevent the problem from occurring in the first place, as there is going to be times where you won’t be able to remove a stain because the mold has been sitting there for too long.

If that’s the case, then you should just throw the shower curtain away and purchase a new one. And, that’s it!

Hopefully, this article has helped you learn how to get mold out of fabric shower curtains.  Of course, prevention is the best. And in our case, humidity level control is everything. 

If you've ever stepped into your shower and noticed an unpleasant musty smell, chances are your shower curtain or liner is due for a cleaning. But with so many cleaning products on the market, it can be difficult to know which one to choose. Fortunately, there's a natural cleaning solution that's both effective and affordable: vinegar. We'll explore whether vinegar can remove mold from shower curtains, as well as provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to clean a shower curtain in a washing machine or by hand. With our tips, you'll be able to keep your shower curtain clean and mold-free, and extend the life of your bathroom's decor. So, whether you're specifically looking to kill mold spores or remove mildew, or just want to learn how to clean your shower curtain without taking it down, read on to find out how vinegar can help you keep your bathroom clean and fresh.

Understanding The Problem: Why Mold Grows On Shower Curtains And Liners

It's a common problem that plagues even the most diligent cleaners. But why does it happen? Well, shower curtains and liners are constantly exposed to moisture, which creates the perfect environment for mold and mildew to grow. Luckily, there are some easy solutions. White vinegar and baking soda are natural cleaning powerhouses that can tackle even the most stubborn soap scum and shower curtain mold. And whether you have a plastic shower curtain or a fabric one, there's a cleaning method that will work for you. Understanding why mold grows on shower curtains and liners is the first step in preventing and eliminating it. With proper cleaning and maintenance, you can keep your bathroom clean, fresh, and mold-free.

The Risks Of Neglecting Your Shower Curtain: The Dangers Of Mold And Mildew

Neglecting your shower curtain is like neglecting your pet goldfish - it might seem harmless at first, but over time it can lead to some serious consequences. Mold and mildew that accumulate on a dirty shower curtain can pose health risks, aggravate allergies, and cause an unpleasant odor. And let's face it, nobody wants to take a shower in a moldy, smelly, and dirty bathroom. Not to mention the embarrassment of hosting guests in a dirty shower!  But fear not! With some simple cleaning tips and natural ingredients like vinegar and baking soda, you can keep your shower curtain and liner looking new, and your bathroom hygienic and fresh. So, it's important to know how to properly clean and maintain your shower curtain to keep mildew and mold at bay.

How To Check For Mold: Signs That Your Shower Curtain Or Liner Needs Cleaning

If you're not sure whether your shower curtain or liner needs cleaning, there are a few signs you can look out for. First, take a whiff - if you detect a musty or mildewy odor, that's a sure sign it's time to take action. Next, take a closer look at the bottom of the curtain - if you see any black, brown, or green spots, that's mold or mildew. Finally, feel the surface of the curtain - if it feels slimy or slippery, that's another indication of mold or mildew. So, don't let your shower curtain turn into a science experiment. Keep an eye out for these telltale signs, and be sure to clean your curtain regularly using natural ingredients like vinegar and baking soda. And next time you shower, you can breathe easy knowing that your bathroom is free of mold and mildew.


The Ultimate Cleaning Solution: How To Use Vinegar To Clean A Shower Curtain

Here's how to use vinegar to clean your shower curtain in just a few easy steps:

  1. Remove the curtain from the shower rod and lay it flat in the bathtub or on a clean surface.

  2. Mix equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle.

  3. Spray the entire curtain, paying extra attention to any moldy or mildewy areas.

  4. Let the vinegar solution sit for 10-15 minutes to allow it to penetrate and kill the mold spores.

  5. Scrub the curtain using a clean microfiber cloth or a soft-bristled brush.

  6. Rinse the curtain thoroughly with water.

  7. If your shower curtain is machine washable, you can also wash it in the washing machine with a cup of white vinegar and laundry detergent on a gentle cycle.

  8. Hang the curtain back up in the shower and enjoy a fresh and clean bathroom.

By using vinegar to clean your shower curtain, you'll keep mold and mildew at bay, extend the life of your curtain, and save money on costly cleaning products.

Beyond Vinegar: Other Effective Methods For Cleaning Shower Curtains And Liners

While vinegar is a popular and effective method for cleaning shower curtains and liners, there are other ways to get the job done, too. For example, baking soda is a natural and powerful cleaner that can help remove stains and odors from your curtain. Simply sprinkle a cup of baking soda over the entire curtain, let it sit for 10-15 minutes, and then rinse it thoroughly with water. You can also use a gentle detergent and wash your curtain in the washing machine on a delicate cycle. Just be sure to hang it up to dry instead of putting it in the dryer - unless you want a shrinky-dink version of your curtain. So, whether you prefer vinegar, baking soda, or a good old-fashioned washing machine, there are plenty of ways to keep your shower curtain clean and mold-free.


Prevention Is Key: How To Keep Your Shower Curtain And Liner Mold-Free.

Nobody wants to deal with a moldy shower curtain or liner, so prevention is key! First and foremost, make sure to hang your curtain or liner properly to allow for adequate airflow and prevent moisture buildup. You can also invest in a high-quality, mildew-resistant curtain or liner, which will last longer and require less frequent cleaning. If you do need to clean your curtain, try to do so regularly - even if it doesn't look dirty - to prevent mold from taking hold. And when you do clean it, use vinegar or other mold-fighting solutions to keep those spores at bay. With a little bit of effort and regular maintenance, you can keep your shower curtain and liner looking (and smelling) fresh and clean.


In the end, It is concluded that distilled white vinegar is an effective solution to remove mold from shower curtains. To maintain a clean shower curtain and shower environment, it is essential to wash your fabric or plastic shower curtain regularly. Utilizing a fabric curtain with a plastic liner can help extend the life of your shower curtain. To clean a plastic or fabric shower curtain, simply saturate the curtain in a mixture of one part vinegar to four parts water and wash in the washing machine on a gentle wash cycle. Remember to add vinegar in the rinse cycle for extra mold-fighting power. Don't forget to clean shower curtain rings as well. After washing, rinse the shower curtain thoroughly and hang it to dry. Wiping the bottom of your shower curtain with a towel after every time you shower can also prevent mold buildup. By following these best practices, you'll keep your shower curtain looking fresh and mold-free for a longer time.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

If you’ve still got questions about will vinegar remove mold from shower curtain, then these may help:

What Is The Best Way To Remove Mold From Shower Curtains?

The best way to remove mold from shower curtains is to wash your shower curtain, whether it's a plastic or cloth curtain, using a mixture of vinegar and water. Place the curtain in the tub or washing machine, and clean a plastic shower curtain or liner by hand or on a gentle cycle. Vinegar will help eliminate mold effectively, ensuring a completely clean shower curtain for a healthier shower environment.


How Long To Soak Shower Curtain In Vinegar?

To effectively clean a shower curtain using vinegar, soak the curtain liner, whether it's a cloth or plastic shower curtain, in a mixture of water and vinegar for 30 minutes to an hour. This is the best way to clean a shower curtain without damaging the material. After soaking, wash the shower curtain by hand or in the washing machine for a completely clean curtain.


Do You Use Vinegar Or Bleach On Shower Curtain?

When cleaning a shower curtain, it's generally safer to use vinegar instead of bleach. Vinegar effectively removes mold and mildew from both cloth and plastic shower curtains. Simply place the shower curtain liner or shower liner into your washing machine or wash by hand. This method ensures a completely clean shower curtain without the risk of damaging the material with harsh chemicals like bleach.


Is It Normal For Shower Curtains To Mold?

Yes, It is normal for shower curtains to develop mold over time, especially in damp conditions. Both cloth and plastic curtains can be susceptible to mold growth. To prevent this, wash a shower curtain regularly using your washing machine or by hand. Keeping the curtain completely clean and allowing it to dry properly after each use can help minimize mold growth and maintain a healthier shower environment.


What Can I Spray On My Shower Curtain To Prevent Mold?

To prevent mold on your shower curtain, you can use a daily shower spray containing a mixture of water, white vinegar, and a few drops of tea tree oil. This solution works well for both cloth and plastic shower curtains. Regularly washing your shower curtain in the washing machine or by hand also helps keep mold at bay and maintains a clean, mold-free environment.

How Do You Clean A Dirty Plastic Shower Liner?

If you want to clean a dirty plastic shower liner, you can use a cloth and some cleaning solution to wipe it down. Another option is to put the shower curtain into your washing machine and run it on a gentle cycle with some mild detergent. Washing a plastic shower curtain this way can help remove dirt and grime without damaging the material.

Can Baking Soda Be Used In The Washing Machine For Cleaning A Shower Curtain?

Yes, baking soda can be used in the washing machine for cleaning shower curtains. Simply add some baking soda along with mild detergent when washing a cloth or plastic shower curtain in the machine. The baking soda helps to remove dirt, stains, and odors, leaving your shower curtain looking and smelling clean.

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